Supporting education and innovation.
Welcome to the home site of Alexandra E. Dascalu Nelson
Currently you can find my classes at Scholars Online, an online home school program run by the inimitable Bruce and Christe McMenomy.
Scholars Online
“Scholars Online has been offering exceptionally rigorous academic content to students around the world for over a decade. Some of our teachers were among the pioneers offering classical education in online courses in the mid-1990s. Our students have gone on to the most competitive colleges and universities in the world, and proven equal to both the academic and the human challenges of that encounter.
We believe that genuine classical learning is hard and challenging — hard, because the material itself is hard, and living a committed and serious life in the world is hard; challenging, because rising to a challenge uniquely builds character. We believe that it cannot be achieved by shortcuts, or reduced to a formula.”
Expectations for Students
Follow classroom rules.
Be on time.
Be prepared for class.
Be considerate.
Show respect for the instructor and other students.
Promise to THINK – True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, Kind.
Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
Hand in assignments on time.
Practice self-management by honoring class time with your full attention,
i.e. do not have more than the necessary windows open on your screen.
Notify the instructor when: you are late, will miss class,
cannot understand an assignment or it will be turned in late.Wait to be dismissed.
Actively participate in class discussions.
Help each other.
Try to keep notebooks with you. Your brain remembers more when you use pens and paper. Typing your notes may not be as effective.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.