Fairytales & Mythology
Fairy Tales and Mythology is primarily for students in 6th-8th grade. The purpose of the class is to introduce students to the basics of grappling with a story and asking questions about it. Using classic texts, students will be asked to use their critical thinking to cover the full narrative spectrum of each story, from overarching concepts and plot to fine details and character development.
What we Cover in this class, by month:
Overview: story formats, literary language and archetypes
Aesop’s Fables
Just So Stories
Greek and Roman Mythology
Begin Norse Mythology
Norse Mythology
Arthurian Legend
Finish Arthurian Legends
Arabian Nights
Complete Arabian Nights
Native American/First Nation People’s Mythology
Hawaiian Folklore
Irish and Celtic Folklore
Traditional Fairy Tales: for every tale there will be 5-7 additional versions from all over the world.
Sleeping Beauty
Mermaids and Sea Creatures/Monsters
Traditional Fairy Tales:
Red Riding Hood
Snow White
Unknown Tales you should know.
Usually we work a bit into June due to a missed class and reading assignments, here and there. Either way, the final assignment is typically due the 2nd or 3rd week of June.
Enrollment: To enroll in this course, or for further information on Scholars Online, please visit the Scholars Online Website.
Registration opens March 1, 2024.
This course will be offered as one two hour class a week: Thursdays 11:30 - 1:30pm Eastern. Hours are potentially flexible.